Monthly Archives: September 2010

Ben Cameron on the Performing Arts

This is a must watch for anyone interested in the arts whether as audience or performers/creators. Cameron raises a lot for discussion: The current model for the performing arts is broken and out of date and yet the future is bright.

I was particularly struck by his revelations about the overwhelming amount of pro-ams (professional amateurs)creating professional work. The Hybrid artist subverting the contemporary polarization of the amateur/professional. “We now live in a world dominated not by consumption but by participation.”

Cameron feels that Art combined with political advocacy/social change which is already changing the world will continue to grow and that this will increase the importance of the performing arts.

In Camerons’s view this does not exclude a place for the current institutions (though they must change out of their ossified models based on 19th century practices and models) but these institutions will no longer define the industry. They are a small piece (and growing smaller) of a much larger puzzle.

Any thoughts?

Here’s the video:

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Tying Up Loose Ends

Well I’m over due for a blog post so here it is:

Many have been asking me privately what happened to Home in Time. I decided I might as well respond publicly. The short answer is I cancelled it back in July for several reasons. Basically, I ran out of time. I wanted at least 5 weeks of rehearsal time. We were down to 4 weeks at the time of cancelation. I was also hoping to find a second one act (or something of similar length) to partner with the show and split the venue cost. While there was some interest, at the point of the decision/deadline for cancelation I had yet to receive a commitment.

The budget for the show including salaries for the cast and crew was two thousand dollars. Ultimately, I was unwilling to invest that because I wasn’t convinced that I had enough time to pull the show off to my standards.

I still gained a lot from the experience. I met a lot of actors in the community and expanded my contact list for future productions. I met one woman who is eager to volunteer for the company and that is very flattering.

Also, the prep work I put into the script I can still use if/when I produce the show. In all honesty, that work is a good exercise in itself. I would have preferred to keep the momentum going that I started with Prisoner’s Dilemma but I know that I made the right decision here.

On a positive note: Les Guerriers grabbed the time slot at Studio Leonard-Beaulne (my venue). I’m glad they did. It was a solidly entertaining piece of theatre and has inspired me to see more French plays this year.